Book: America's Top 30 Idioms And Their Origin​


America's Top 30 Idioms And Their Origin​

Let me bounce something off you. I heard it through the grapevine that there are over 25,000 idioms in the English language. That’s straight from the horse’s mouth. Now don’t get up in arms or beside yourself as I spill the beans on the top 30 ones that will make you think something is fishy about this book. Take it with a grain of salt and don’t think I’m off my rocker when I suggest that you use this book for your tank top (no, not table top) as you bite the bullet and do your morning constitution.

The Best American Idioms Book

The correct usage of idioms can make your writing interesting, accurately highlighting the specific portions of a scene. This list of American idioms by Fred Engh will help you in improving your English language so you can convey your message with greater clarity and fun.

If you wish to make your writing more engaging, this book of phrases and idioms will be a blessing for you. You can sharpen your skills and refine your language with this best American idioms book that helps you express your ideas in a casual, fun, and impressive way.

Breathe In Life Into Your Characters

Idioms help you in developing an engaging and fascinating story. You can build an eccentric character with the use of these most common American idioms. In addition, Idioms allow you to create witty banter between dueling characters or frenemies that will make your plots enjoyable. Idioms also help you in extending your story. So learn the best use of idioms and some of the most common American idioms in the incredible idioms book by Red Engh.

Make Your Writings More Interesting With The Top American Idioms Book

The use of idioms has a very important impact on your learning and teaching. They help in promoting an innovative environment of communication in the language. Idioms are a mode of expression that make your writings beautiful and effective. Whether you are a teacher or a student, the use of idioms makes your way of communicating more powerful and effective.

Fred Engh brings you his famous American idioms book that will help you in your learning, writing, and teaching endeavors. You can infuse your speech with humor and variety with a proper understanding of idioms and their use. Fred makes idioms understandable for you through his idioms book so that not only can you use them more frequently in your work but also have a complete understanding of how best to use and when to use them.


Idioms add an element of intrigue to your writing. You are able to say things with more emphasis and let go of the bland terms that make things monotonous.

Anyone who wishes to learn English and gain more command of it can buy this book. You can be a teacher, student, or anyone who wishes to be a master in the language.

Idioms allow you to be more expressive and creative. It has an impact on your conversational skills and makes you feel more confident and comfortable when in a company.

With the help of idioms, you develop a different thinking approach. The humorous or creative phrases are also a sign of intellectualism.

You can click on the link on the website and place your order for the book on Amazon.